How To Spot Counterfeit Bearing
When it comes to counterfeit products, most of us probably think of market stalls selling fake designer bags and sunglasses. But what might not come to mind, and yet is a much bigger and potentially more harmful problem, are counterfeit and fraudulent bearings. Any counterfeit product is a problem, and many can cause harm to consumers.
What Makes Counterfeit Bearings So Bad?
In a 2021 interview with, Johan Bravert, Director of Brand Protection at SKF, described the problem. ''I think the biggest issue here is that customers believe they are buying a genuine SKF product and using it as if it is a genuine bearing that fulfils the expectations of a genuine bearing. This can result in both unexpected failures in the applications and in worst cases, it can even lead to human injuries."
According to the American Bearing Manufacturers Association (ABMA), counterfeit ball bearings cost the global economy a staggering 4.2 trillion Dollars.
The good news is that the global bearing industry community isn't willing to let this problem slide. The World Bearing Association (WBA), in partnership with the industry's biggest manufacturers, has started the Stop Fake Bearings initiative. The campaign aims to raise awareness of the problem, educate consumers on protecting themselves from fakes, and share resources on detecting counterfeit bearings.
How To Identify Fake Bearings?
Identifying fake bearings is a lot more difficult than it seems. The WBA explains that ' they look like, and are marketed as, genuine, premium brand products. Even the packaging is skilfully imitated...They won't be scratched, rusty or dirty.' Sometimes these bearings might even be badly refurbished originals that no longer meet quality standards, or low-quality bearings labelled with fraudulent brand motifs and packaging, all to hike prices.
Some counterfeit bearings may have some odd markings, be of lower quality or have a worse than expected shipping container.
Using the WBA Bearing Authenticator App
To help tackle this problem, the WBA has worked with leading bearing manufacturers, such as JTEKT (Koyo), NACHI, NTN, NSK, Schaeffler (INA/FAG), SKF, and Timken, to create the WBA Bearing Authenticator 2.0 app. The app allows the consumer to scan the code on the bearing's packaging and get one of three responses advising them if the code is genuine and can be trusted. The third response is if the code is genuine but has been scanned numerous times and caution is advised, or if the code is unknown and the bearing is suspected to be fake.
Other Authenticator Apps:
- Schaeffler (FAG and INA) – OriginCheck app
- SKF – SKF Authenticate app
- NTN – Authenti Bear app
For distributors like QBOL, there are steps we can take to ensure we only ever supply genuine, original products to our customers. We work with distributors authorized by manufacturers to source our stock, allowing us to offer full traceability of our parts. Our customers can request certificates of Conformity and Analysis (COCs and COAs), and we can provide either our own, free of charge, or the manufacturers. The WBA advises that suspicious activities should first be reported to the premium brand manufacturer and the authorities who can investigate, and issue detailed reports on the quality of the bearings.
Get In Touch With A Manufacturer:
- Schaeffler ›
- Timken ›
- JTEKT › Email contact form -
- NSK ›
- SKF ›
- NTN ›
- Nachi › Inquiry form -
Counterfeit bearings not only pose a threat to consumers but certain economies and human lives depending on the industry they’re used in. The Stop Fake Bearings campaign has now been running for a couple of years and has built a lot of awareness around in-authentic bearings. At Quality Bearings Online we only source our bearings from authorized distributors.
To spot a fake bearing use an authenticator app or look for lower quality build, materials or packaging.
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